Les il.lustracions del manuscrit Vat. Lat. 5730 i la seva relacio amb altres produccions catalanes de l'entorn del 1100


  • Anna Orriols i Alsina Universitat Autònoma




The Vatican Library keeps, under signature Vat. lat. 5730, a Cata­lan romanesque illustrated manuscript from the first quarter of XIIth cen­tury containing an Expositio on the pauline epistles by Florus of Lyon. lt's considered that the manuscript was copied and illustrated in the abbey of Santa Maria de Ripoll, because of a document of king Lothair (982) in favour of this monastery copied on the last folio. This study analyzes the relationship between tha Vat. 5730 illustrations and those of other catalan romanesque manuscripts, such as the Turin Beatus and, specially, the Cuixà Gospel book (Perpinyà, Bibliothèque Municipale, ms. 1) with which analogies are closer. As none of them has been illustrated in Ripoll, it is suggested that perhaps Vat. 5730 could have been produced in other catalan scriptorium (Girona?) and then removed to Ripoll, where the document could have been added. Relationships with foreign manuscripts -one of them (Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, ms. lat. 794) perhaps italian, and ot­hers illustrated in Cîteaux at the beginning of the XIIth century-, are also considered.


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How to Cite

Orriols i Alsina, A. (1994). Les il.lustracions del manuscrit Vat. Lat. 5730 i la seva relacio amb altres produccions catalanes de l’entorn del 1100. Anuario De Estudios Medievales, 24(1), 943–966. https://doi.org/10.3989/aem.1994.v24.1006



Miscelaneous Studies