Vincent Ferrer and the Logic of the 14th Century




Vincent Ferrer, Dominican friars, medieval logic, universals, supposition, individuation


While working as a lector logicae at the Dominicans’ studium sollemne in Lleida, Vincent Ferrer wrote two logical texts: De unitate universalis, probably a summary of conversations he had had with his students, and De supposi tionibus, a lengthy and rigorous discussion of a complex topic in philosophy of language, widely debated in the mid-14th century. They are not texts written by an experi enced magister artium; they are the result of his sporadic, youthful endeavour (he was 22 years old) and he did not write any other scholastic work. Hence, they must be regarded as the work of a young teacher, who was familiar with both the writings of the thinkers of his time –Walter Burley, William of Ockham, Jean Buridan– and the thought of Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas.


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How to Cite

Batalla, J., & de la Cruz Vergari, E. (2019). Vincent Ferrer and the Logic of the 14th Century. Anuario De Estudios Medievales, 49(1), 13–44.




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