Allegorical Weapons, Armour and Battles in the Sermons of Vincent Ferrer




Vincent Ferrer, medieval preaching, sermon, allegory, armour, miles christianus, fight


The expression of the fight against sin, the battle against the demon constitutes one of the most general and extended isotopies in the preaching of Vincent Ferrer. This paper attempts, on the one hand, to describe the exploitation of the allegory of the Christian’s weapons, of Pauline origin, for the expression of such a semantic approach; on the other, it illustrates, with examples taken from Vincent Ferrer’s sermons, the use of metaphors and military allegories for the expression of the conflict with evil. Finally, it concludes with the study of the pitched battle against the devil, included in a Lenten sermon, placing it in the context of other uses of the same topic or theme.


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How to Cite

Ysern, J. (2019). Allegorical Weapons, Armour and Battles in the Sermons of Vincent Ferrer. Anuario De Estudios Medievales, 49(1), 287–312.


