Loving in monastic times: strategies of representation in the epistolary exchange between Baudri of Bourgueil and Constance of Le Ronceray





epistle, elegy, gender studies, piety, late medieval reformism


This article examines what dynamics of identity and gender can be extracted from the exchange of elegiac letters between the archbishop of Dol, Baudri of Bourgueil, and the nun Constance of Le Ronceray. The results suggest that those strategies of representation were part of the tensions caused in the socio-cultural context of the early 12th century by the reform movements.


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How to Cite

Camino Plaza, L. (2019). Loving in monastic times: strategies of representation in the epistolary exchange between Baudri of Bourgueil and Constance of Le Ronceray. Anuario De Estudios Medievales, 49(2), 427–451. https://doi.org/10.3989/aem.2019.49.2.02



Miscelaneous Studies