The Iberian Peninsula and the trans-Pyrenean World: Assessing Cultural Change through the Representations of Dress and Horsemanship in Manuscript Illumination




visual culture, material culture, manuscript illumination, monasticism


Images preserved in medieval manuscripts can provide invaluable insights not only into the artistic and technical developments of a past society but also into its culture and identity. They are crucial forms of evidence for the examination of cultural and social change when documentary and archaeological sources are scarce. This article examines the representations of dress and horsemanship in illuminated manuscripts produced in the Iberian Peninsula from the 10th to the 13th century and explores how they shed light onto critical cultural shifts across the period. It discusses how the transformations observed in the treatment of these elements refl ect the accommodation of new trends into Iberian visual and material culture as a consequence of the intensification of the political and ecclesiastical connections between the Peninsula and the trans-Pyrenean world


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How to Cite

de Oliveira Dias, A. (2020). The Iberian Peninsula and the trans-Pyrenean World: Assessing Cultural Change through the Representations of Dress and Horsemanship in Manuscript Illumination. Anuario De Estudios Medievales, 50(2), 799–825.


