Preachers as historians. The case of the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD


  • Jussi Hanska University of Tampere



historiography, preaching, 13th century, model sermon collections, the destruction of Jerusalem, Flavius Josephus


This article studies the uses of historical sources in thirteenth-century sermons. As the surviving corpus of the sermons is vast, one particular Sunday, namely the 10th Sunday after the Holy Trinity, which refers to the destruction of Jerusalem, was chosen for the analysis. In particular, it will examine the use of the widely copied model sermon collections. The author demonstrates that the writers of these sermons indeed used a wide selection of historical sources and that they sometimes had obvious gusto for historical writing. However, the historical reliability of the text was always secondary to the theological purposes. If theological argumentation demanded tampering with the historical evidence, it was done without remorse.


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How to Cite

Hanska, J. (2012). Preachers as historians. The case of the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD. Anuario De Estudios Medievales, 42(1), 29–52.


