The fifteenth-century financial crisis of the Hospitallers of Rhodes (1426-1480)


  • Pierre Bonneaud



Rhodes, general chapters, commanderies, responsiones, papacy, credit, loans, censals, bills of exchange, merchants


The Order of the Hospital, which was established at Rhodes from 1310, experienced a long and serious financial crisis as a consequence of several attacks from the Mamluks, from 1426 to 1444, followed by others from the Ottoman Turks after 1453. The Order had to face heavy expenses to defend itself and needed large supplies of money. This article will describe the Treasury organization of the Order, the extent of its debts and the measures taken to improve the situation. Censals, bills of exchange, usury loans and masked loans were some of the ways used to raise funds. The Order requested fi nancial support from the Western merchants who were established at Rhodes, especially from the Catalans. There were many recovery plans, in some cases with the arbitration of the Papacy.


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How to Cite

Bonneaud, P. (2012). The fifteenth-century financial crisis of the Hospitallers of Rhodes (1426-1480). Anuario De Estudios Medievales, 42(2), 501–534.



Miscelaneous Studies