Mapping spiritual life: a spatial approach to late medieval spirituality


  • Sabrina Corbellini University of Groningen



space, place, Third Order of Saint Francis, religious education, enclosure, diocese of Utrecht, speech acts, meditation


This contribution investigates the use of the concepts of place, space and (restriction) of movement in the spiritual education of religious women living in Third Order communities in the diocese of Utrecht (Netherlands). Through the study of institutional sources, in particular the Third Order statutes, and literary texts written and used in Third Order convents (the Informieringheboeck by Jan de Wael and the Jhesus Collacien), the article will discuss the allegedly binary oppositions “inside-outside” and “safety of the convent-dangers of the world” that pervade the text of the statutes and form the backbone of the spiritual instruction of cloistered women.


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How to Cite

Corbellini, S. (2014). Mapping spiritual life: a spatial approach to late medieval spirituality. Anuario De Estudios Medievales, 44(1), 81–100.


