Individual, 1377-1650: from mathematics to self, after Carla Mazzio


  • Anna Klosowska Miami University



individual, self, subject, French, medicine, mathematics, premodern


Carla Mazzio’s work on mathematical terminology to define the self in the early modern period can be extended by medieval examples. Although Peter Stallybrass (1992) finds that the word individual (a mathematical and natural philosophy term meaning “indivisible”) was not attested in English from 1425-1597, French individu is regularly attested, beginning in 1377 (in a comment on infi nite variety of individual complexions, in the French translation of Lanfranc’s Chirurgie). What is more, the semantic fi eld of individu is the same from 1377-1650. This paper discusses the meanings of individu and the continuity of the concept of self in the premodern period. Against Mazzio’s definition of early modern subject as fragmented and disoriented, individu combines the meaning of atom (smallest indivisible particle or mote) with the sense of plenitude: an individu is the smallest discrete entity that is whole. This adds an alternative or complementary parallel to Mazzio’s idea of fragmentation as the origin of depth in the formation of early modern self, and explains why, as Stallybrass notes, early modern individual suggest[ed] indivisibility and (…) divisibility […] together.


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How to Cite

Klosowska, A. (2015). Individual, 1377-1650: from mathematics to self, after Carla Mazzio. Anuario De Estudios Medievales, 45(1), 263–297.


