…que nos tenemus a dicto domino rege pro camera assignata. The development, administration and significance of the queenly estate of Elionor of Sicily (1349-1375)


  • Sebastian Roebert Universität Leipzig / Universitat de Barcelona




Crown of Aragon, 14th century, queens, queenship, Elionor of Sicily, dowry


Queens dowries were of central importance for their capacity of action. So far, however, they have not been studied extensively or comparatively. The case of queen Elionor of Sicily, wife of Peter IV the “Ceremonious”, allows a detailed reconstruction of the development and functions of her estate based on a wide documentary corpus which has not yet been analysed systematically. Also the concrete administration of her domain can be reconstructed very precisely in this particular case, allowing us to determine its position and functions within the framework of the monarchy as well as the agency of the queen.


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How to Cite

Roebert, S. (2016). …que nos tenemus a dicto domino rege pro camera assignata. The development, administration and significance of the queenly estate of Elionor of Sicily (1349-1375). Anuario De Estudios Medievales, 46(1), 231–268. https://doi.org/10.3989/aem.2016.46.1.07




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