The Dating and Authorship of the Poem Vita Mahumeti, Attributed to Embrico of Mainz




Muhammad, Embrico of Mainz, dating, authorship, Medieval Latin poetry


The aim of this paper is to review the problems with the date of writing and the authorship of one of the first legendary accounts of the Prophet Muhammad written in Central Europe: the Vita Mahumeti, attributed to Embrico of Mainz. After presenting the available evidence and the conjectures of different scholars, a new hypothesis about the identity of the author is put forward, which at the same time enables us to clarify the dating of the work, its possible sources and meaning.


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How to Cite

González Muñoz, F. (2017). The Dating and Authorship of the Poem Vita Mahumeti, Attributed to Embrico of Mainz. Anuario De Estudios Medievales, 47(2), 589–605.



Miscelaneous Studies