Durand of Huesca and the polemic against the Cathars in the Crown of Aragon


  • Sergi Grau Torras Licenciado en Historia. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona




Durand of Huesca, Catharism, Waldenses, Pedro Valdés, Catholic Poors, Liber Antiheresis, Crown of Aragon, Heresy


Durand of Huesca wrote three manuscripts against heresy and he was a prior from the Catholics Poor, an apostolic community based on the waldensian’s ideal of poverty. The Catholics Poor founded schools of study and hospitals to care and assist patients and poors , and they had an important social and cultural incidence in the Crown of Aragon. The first work of Durand, Liber Antiheresis, preserved in the National Library of Madrid, is treaty against the heresy and it is one of the few sources that exists in Spain to know about the doctrine of catharism and the origins of the waldensian. This source serves was also used as a base for later polemic works.


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How to Cite

Grau Torras, S. (2009). Durand of Huesca and the polemic against the Cathars in the Crown of Aragon. Anuario De Estudios Medievales, 39(1), 3–25. https://doi.org/10.3989/aem.2009.v39.i1.95



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