Las asociaciones de fletadores mallorquines bajomedievales ¿un intento de monopolización del comercio magrebí?


  • Mª Dolores López Pérez Universidad de Barcelona



During the XIV century Majorca was the area which had the most important contact with the Maghreb. One part of the Majorcan commercial sector which did business with the Granada kingdom and the North of Africa established commercial associations. These associations date from the period of the 'private kingdom' of Majorca, as a measure of protection against, above all, merchants from the Crown of Aragon and Italy. At first, the associations were restricted to Christian merchants; later, in a process which can be dated from the mid-fourteenth century, admittance was also given to Jewish residents who had obtained citizenship. We know the existence of these associations in Alger, Mostaganem and Mazagran, Honein, Alcudia and Almeria. Probably, a more extensive search in the Archives of Majorca will permit us to discover other associations. The principal function of these associations was to obtain transport when needed. The importance of this is obvious, if we consider the economic consequence of transport control. One can speak of real attemps to monopolise trade between Majorca and some Maghreb ports through a control of ships bound for North Africa.


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How to Cite

López Pérez, M. D. (1994). Las asociaciones de fletadores mallorquines bajomedievales ¿un intento de monopolización del comercio magrebí?. Anuario De Estudios Medievales, 24(1), 89–104.


