Fiscalidad mudéjar en el reino de Granada: las rentas del Quempe


  • Carmen Trillo San José



The tax system during the Mudejar period which is, mostly, the reflection of the nazari’s, was nevertheless more complex and heterogeneous and presented impor­tant divergences according to the different nooks of the realm of Granada where it was applied In this study, we analyze, from a general point of view, the tributary system towards the end of the XVth century, but we are conscious of the fact that, even at that moment, immediately after the conquest, important modifications had already been introduced. It is through the analysis of a concrete example, that of Quempe, that we will be able to observe narrowly this diversity. Quempe is an old district, whose Birth dates, at least, from the XIth century, located between Vega and the valley of Lecrin. The study of its fiscal regime will enable us to determine better the economic wealth, mainly based on breeding and saltworks exploitations. The fact of transfe­rring this territory first to Muley Hacen and Aben Comixa and later, after the death of the latter, to the Granada San Jeronimo monastery, demonstrated clearly the policy of the Castilian crown in the reign of Granada.


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How to Cite

Trillo San José, C. (1992). Fiscalidad mudéjar en el reino de Granada: las rentas del Quempe. Anuario De Estudios Medievales, 22(1), 853–878.


