Expressing Liturgical Change in Eleventh- and Twelfth-century Iberia through the Feast of the Holy Innocents




Holy Innocents, Old Hispanic liturgy, Roman liturgy, liturgical manuscripts, homilies, Santo Domingo de Silos


The feast of the Holy Innocents is a particularly informative example of liturgical change from the Old Hispanic to the Roman rite in Iberia after 1080. Not only did it involve a change of name and date, but also a shift in the tenor and meaning of the feast, one that always had to find a balance between tragedy and celebration. The elaborate allegorical lamentation of the Old Hispanic rite was first replaced with more neutral readings and chants that concentrated on the infants as holy martyrs, but more narrative presentations of the Massacre of the Innocents came to dominate in the 12th century. Collections of sermons or homilies played an important role in this process. Images in wall paintings –and after 1150 sculpture– began to express the full drama of this feast.


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How to Cite

Walker, R. (2020). Expressing Liturgical Change in Eleventh- and Twelfth-century Iberia through the Feast of the Holy Innocents. Anuario De Estudios Medievales, 50(2), 865–892.


