The Fazienda de Ultramar and the Contribution of the Vulgate




Hebrew Bible, Vulgate Bible, Fazienda de Ultramar, sources, translation


The first editor of the Fazienda de Ultramar, Moshé Lazar, was the first to determine that the Biblical parts included in this work were taken from a Hebrew original. In his pioneering 1965 edition of the Fazienda, Lazar included numerous footnotes in which he established correspondences between specific passages or words in the Fazienda and the Hebrew Bible. However, Lazar often skipped over those parts in which this work follows the Vulgate, obscuring the relationship between both works. This paper will prove that the Fazienda’s debt to the Vulgate is greater than has been previously indicated, suggesting that the passages from the Old Testament included in the Fazienda were taken from two different sources: the Hebrew Bible and the Latin Vulgate.


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How to Cite

McDougall, D. (2023). The Fazienda de Ultramar and the Contribution of the Vulgate. Anuario De Estudios Medievales, 53(1), 49–65.


