Translation and Exegesis in Early Castilian Bibles




early Castilian Bibles, Jewish exegesis, the Arragel Bible, translation in the Middle Ages


This essay offers a few methodological reflections for the benefit of Romance philologists on the edition of early Castilian Bibles from the perspective of Jewish studies. Our primary concern is the challenge for editors presented by the textual traces of rabbinic exegesis in these Bibles, that is Jewish interpretations of the Hebrew Bible. An introductory overview of late medieval Jewish biblical interpretation leads into a sample of ten passages (mostly from the Arragel Bible) that illustrate the diverse range of Jewish exegetical traces discernible in these translations.


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How to Cite

Girón Negrón, L. M. (2023). Translation and Exegesis in Early Castilian Bibles. Anuario De Estudios Medievales, 53(1), 297–324.


