The Latin Manuscripts of Alfonso de Espina’s Fortalitium Fidei




codicology, Fortalitium fidei, Alfonso de Espina, manuscripts, medieval theology


Although Alfonso de Espina’s Fortalitium fidei, one of the most prominent Latin treatises of religious polemics of fifteenth century Europe, has received much attention from the academic community, only a few scholars have ventured to investigate its manuscript production and circulation. As a result of this, no reliable handlist of the extant Latin manuscripts of the Fortalitium fidei was available until now. This article provides the first critical study of the transmission of the work describing the six complete manuscript witnesses as well as nine excerpts of the text, most of which were unknown until now. In doing so, it also corrects incorrect attributions and establishes a list of lost manuscripts. The article thus offers a solid basis for a future edition of the Fortalitium fidei and for the study of its reception across premodern Europe.


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How to Cite

Gavaldà Mestres, G. . (2023). The Latin Manuscripts of Alfonso de Espina’s Fortalitium Fidei. Anuario De Estudios Medievales, 53(2), 727–756.



Miscelaneous Studies

Funding data

Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Grant numbers PID2020-112592GB-I00;PRE2021-101106

Generalitat de Catalunya
Grant numbers SGR 00152