I problemi dell'espansione territoriale catalana nel Mediterraneo: conquistare un feudo in Sardegna, un bene o un male? L'esempio dei Sentmenat, signori di Orosei (Sec. XIV)


  • Cécile Crabot Istituto di Storia dell'Europa Mediterranea, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche. Cagliari, Italia




Mediterranean expansion, Sardinia 14th century, Sentmenat, Orosei, Feudalism, Nobilty, Mariano of Arborea, Timbor de Rocaberti


With its territorial expansion into the Mediterranean, the Crown of Aragon at the beginning of 14th century conquered Sardinia and conceded feudal lands to those who participated in the conquest. This article investigates a noble family, the Sentmenat, who received the village of Orosei. The trials this family experienced reflects in many ways those endured by other feudal lords: the difficulties involved in obtaining possession of feudal land, arbitrary confiscation by royal officials, and the delegation of feudal land to procurators and landlords since the Sentmenat did not live on the island. In addition, Orosei was at the center of an emerging opposition between king Peter IV of Aragon and the judge Mariano IV, who for a time disputed its possession. With so many difficulties to contend with, the Sentmenat in the end renounced the feudal land.


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How to Cite

Crabot, C. (2003). I problemi dell’espansione territoriale catalana nel Mediterraneo: conquistare un feudo in Sardegna, un bene o un male? L’esempio dei Sentmenat, signori di Orosei (Sec. XIV). Anuario De Estudios Medievales, 33(2), 815–848. https://doi.org/10.3989/aem.2003.v33.i2.220


