Learning to read and write around year 1000


  • Ana Belén Sánchez Prieto Universidad Complutense de Madrid - Universidad de Utrecht




School, History of education, Early Middle Ages, Literacy


The gap created with the disappearance of the municipal schools after the fall of the Western Roman Empire was filled by the different ecclesiastical institutions, giving birth to schools dependant on parish churches, cathedrals and monasteries. These schools, besides guaranteeing the necessary education of the clergymen, admitted often lay children not destined to join the ranks of the Church.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Prieto, A. B. (2010). Learning to read and write around year 1000. Anuario De Estudios Medievales, 40(1), 3–34. https://doi.org/10.3989/aem.2010.v40.i1.294



Miscelaneous Studies