Apología y censura: posibles autores de las crónicas favorables a Pedro I de Castilla


  • María Estela González de Fauve Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • Isabel Las Heras Fundación para la Historia de España
  • Patricia De Forteza Universidad de Buenos Aires




Pedro I, Juan de Castro, Juan de Castromocho, Bishop of Aquis, Gracia Dei


The present historiography considers that from the times of Pedro I of Castile, favorable stories to this king must have existed which were destroyed after the triumph of the Trastámara dynasty, only interested in making sure a negative picure of the "Cruel" king was shown. In this work we have analyzed possible authors of the chronicles called "true" versus Ayala's "false", as well as the Relación de la vida del Rey D. Pedro attributed to Gracia Dei. The research allows us to conclude that various characteristics attributed to these characters, as well as the authorship of the chronicles they are adscripted to, are part of an advertising campaign started in the sixteenth century by one branch of the Castilla lineage that looks for the reaffirmation as legitimate descendants of Pedro I.


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How to Cite

González de Fauve, M. E., Las Heras, I., & De Forteza, P. (2006). Apología y censura: posibles autores de las crónicas favorables a Pedro I de Castilla. Anuario De Estudios Medievales, 36(1), 111–144. https://doi.org/10.3989/aem.2006.v36.i1.3



Miscelaneous Studies