St. Vicent Ferrer’s Catalán Sermon on Saint Mary Magdalene


  • Alberto Ferreiro Seattle Pacific University USA



Hagiography, Preaching, Dominicans, Cult of Mary Magdalene, Catalán sermons


Vicent Ferrer is without question one of the most compelling and prolific Dominican preachers of the late Middle Ages. Although his preaching mission transpired in many places he especially carried out much of it in France. In France we witness, particularly in Provence, the emergence of the cult of Mary Magdalene that was vigorously promoted by the Dominicans. Vicent Ferrer not surprisingly dedicated this Catalán sermon to Mary Magdalene whom he proposed as a model of the Imitatio Christi for all Christians to follow, not just women in particular. This article seeks to situate this sermon in its late medieval context in order to unpack the theological and moral messages that Vicent sought to convey to his audience.


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How to Cite

Ferreiro, A. (2010). St. Vicent Ferrer’s Catalán Sermon on Saint Mary Magdalene. Anuario De Estudios Medievales, 40(1), 415–433.



Miscelaneous Studies