Alliances in the light of the Canon Law: the Juan López de Segovia’s “Tractatus Dialogicus de Confoederatione principum et potentatum” (c. 1495)


  • Xavier Tubau Universitat Pompeu Fabra



Juan López de Segovia, Alliances, Canon Law, Popes


Juan López de Segovia’s Tractatus is considered one of the first texts of the legal tradition in the Middle Ages that tackles the nature of the alliances between rulers from a theoretical point of view. This article aims to draw attention to this text not much known by the scholars of history of internatinal law and to highlight the role canon law played in organizing the subjects and arguments developed throughout the dialogue.


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How to Cite

Tubau, X. (2010). Alliances in the light of the Canon Law: the Juan López de Segovia’s “Tractatus Dialogicus de Confoederatione principum et potentatum” (c. 1495). Anuario De Estudios Medievales, 40(2), 537–563.


