Eleanor Plantagenet and Castilian consolidation in the reign of Alfonso VIII


  • José Manuel Cerda Universidad Gabriela Mistral




Castile, twelfth century, queens, Eleanor Plantagenet, Alfonso VIII


The kingdom of Castile experienced a process of political and territorial consolidation between the death of Sancho III in 1158 and the Curia of Carrión de los Condes in 1188, leaving behind the troublesome minority of Alfonso VIII and the subordination to the kingdom of Leon, and thus becoming a dominant power within the peninsula, and one that achieved considerable success in the Reconquest. The following article is part of a biographical approach to Eleanor Plantagenet, queen consort of Alfonso VIII, and by means of a specifi c focus offers an analysis of the role played by the English queen in this process of political consolidation of Castile. As we approach the eighth centenary of her death, the life and work of this little-studied woman emerges as a testimony to the important diplomatic and cultural tasks assumed by queens in twelfth-century Europe.


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How to Cite

Cerda, J. M. (2012). Eleanor Plantagenet and Castilian consolidation in the reign of Alfonso VIII. Anuario De Estudios Medievales, 42(2), 629–652. https://doi.org/10.3989/aem.2012.42.2.04



Miscelaneous Studies