Discordia fratrum and the influence of historiography on the Historia wrongfully called Silense


  • Amancio Isla Frez Universitat Rovira i Virgili




12th century chronicles, classical tradition, kingdom of León, medieval war


The text wrongfully known as Historia Silensis drew on various historical writings of the past. Its debt to Sallust and the biographers of Charlemagne is not merely formal. The anonymous Leonese chronicler from the beginning of the 12th century constructed his historical explanation and legitimated his proposals on the basis of the experience provided by Sallust, Einhard and others. Particularly important among his many suggestions is the inevitability of the discordia fratrum.


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How to Cite

Isla Frez, A. (2013). Discordia fratrum and the influence of historiography on the Historia wrongfully called Silense. Anuario De Estudios Medievales, 43(2), 677–694. https://doi.org/10.3989/aem.2013.43.2.06



Miscelaneous Studies