Los Haro de Cameros en los siglos XIII y XIV. Análisis del proceso de su afianzamiento político en el ámbito regional


  • Máximo Diago Hernando Universidad Complutense




This work is a contribution to the study of the political role of the aristocratic families in the different regions of Castile before the Trastama­ras, and also an appreciation of the importance of the minorities both of Fernando IV and Alfonso XI in the process of strengthening those families as rulers of politics in their own regions. We have chosen the minor branch of the Haros, a family which had a decisive influence on politics in Rioja Baja and Cameros from Alfonso X until the majority of Alfonso XI. Spe­cial attention is given to the three main representatives of the family who successively exercised power in this period: Alfonso López de Haro, his son Juan Alfonso de Haro I, and the son of the latter, Juan Alfonso de Haro II. Analysis of the different steps taken by these three to broaden the basis of their power also enables us to identify the main groups of opposi­tion to the expansionists projects of the Haros. Finally, the decline of their political power after the death sentence on Juan Alfonso de Haro 11, orde­red by Alfonso XI in 1333, is duly analysed.


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How to Cite

Diago Hernando, M. (1994). Los Haro de Cameros en los siglos XIII y XIV. Análisis del proceso de su afianzamiento político en el ámbito regional. Anuario De Estudios Medievales, 24(1), 775–806. https://doi.org/10.3989/aem.1994.v24.1000



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