Quatre pintors de Tarragona a la ciutat de Tortosa. Algunes notícies d 'Arxiu


  • Jacobo Vidal Franquet Becario del Departament d´Història de l´Art. Facultat de Geografia i Història, Universitat deBarcelona




Gothic Painting, Diocese of Tortosa.


The high-priority objective of this article is to present the stipulated contract for an altarpiece, on 17th October 1455, between the bishop and the chapter of Tortosa's Cathedral, on one hand, and the painter Valentí Montoliu, resident in Sant Mateu, on the other hand. The knowledge of this contract is so interesting because Valentí Montoliu is the most important painter of the Diocese of Tortosa in the second half of the XVth century, because this one is, for several reasons and among the documentated ones, his most outstanding work, and because it proves that the master worked in the city of Tortosa, possibility that has been refused, until today, by criticism. In addition, there are other documentary news refered to painters who, as well as Valentí Montoliu, worked coming from Tarragona (being this origin direct or indirect) in the city of Tortosa all along the second half of the XV century.


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How to Cite

Vidal Franquet, J. (2003). Quatre pintors de Tarragona a la ciutat de Tortosa. Algunes notícies d ’Arxiu. Anuario De Estudios Medievales, 33(1), 463–485. https://doi.org/10.3989/aem.2003.v33.i1.207



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