Perpignan’s Loge de Mer and its Sculptural Collection


  • Tina Sabater Universitat de les Illes Balears



Gothic Sculpture, Civil Architecture, Rosellón, Perpignan, Guillem Sagrera


The sculptures of the Perpignan's Lonja have been an object of an only study, specific but partial, in spite of their importance for the trajectory of their sculptors, most of them employed in other important places of the Crown of Aragon. This article deals with this topic, taking into account two basic objectives: to identify the iconography of the pieces and to specify their stylistic affiliation. Through this objectives we can fix the chronology of the decoration of the building, and also we can offer new information that allow to value the quality and significance of the architecture and sculpture in their context. The study also offers precedents on the process of construction of the Lonja and proposes a review of the customary interpretations on the activities of Master Guillem Sagrera in the Roussillon and the chronology of the works related to him.


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How to Cite

Sabater, T. (2010). Perpignan’s Loge de Mer and its Sculptural Collection. Anuario De Estudios Medievales, 40(1), 293–315.



Miscelaneous Studies