From sets of rents to customs tax. The transformation of almojarifazgo during the fourteenth century in the kingdom of Murcia


  • José Damián González Arce Universidad de Murcia



tax, trade, customs, real estate


Before becoming a customs duty, the almojarifazgo consisted of a set of heterogeneous income received by the Castilian monarchs. Originally, most of these rents were demanded by the Muslim rulers of the cities then conquered by the Christian kings. However, during the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries the kings were giving them to the lords and local councils and kept for themselves the most interesting of all, the customs duty. The kingdom of Murcia is almost the only example to study how this transformation because it is the only territory that has retained suffi cient documentation to analyse it.


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How to Cite

González Arce, J. D. (2012). From sets of rents to customs tax. The transformation of almojarifazgo during the fourteenth century in the kingdom of Murcia. Anuario De Estudios Medievales, 42(2), 669–696.



Miscelaneous Studies