Entendre, s’entendre en, entendedor in troubadour lyric


  • Anna M. Mussons IRCVM - Universitat de Barcelona




troubadour lyric, Occitan troubadours, troubadour canso, vocabulary of fin’amor, translation of troubadour songs


The word entendre, as it appears in troubadour lyric, maintains all the original meanings of the Latin etymon INTENDERE: “to direct towards something”, “to understand”, “to listen”. These meanings (particularly the first two) allow explaining the evolution of this term within the parameters of troubadour poetry, as well as its integration in the specific vocabulary of fin’amor. This development granted the word new meanings related to the reception and understanding of the song, to the creative process, and to the rapport between creation and love. Amid this combination of meanings, entendre is incorporated into the group of words and expressions used to define courtship and the pertinent creative process. Its derivative entendedor became a word for the lady’s suitor; the works of Bernart de Ventadorn, Raimbaut d’Aurenga and Giraut de Bornelh are crucial in this process.


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How to Cite

Mussons, A. M. (2015). Entendre, s’entendre en, entendedor in troubadour lyric. Anuario De Estudios Medievales, 45(1), 55–77. https://doi.org/10.3989/aem.2015.45.1.02


