The iron market. Taxation and industrial production in Navarre (1362-1404)


  • Iñigo Mugueta Moreno Universidad de Lyon II



Taxation, Iron industry, Siderurgy, Iron works, Steel, Trade, Navarra


The development of the iron industry in the north region of the Kingdom of Navarre was recorded in the fiscal accounts of the royal administration since the second half of the XIII century. However, the Kingdom of Navarre, will not look at this industrial development as a fiscal resource until the second half of the XIV century, with Charles II. The growing needs of his political strategies forced him to increase the fiscal pressure on his citizens, specially since 1362, in the uptake of indirect taxation. The disposed actions of this King will lead him to significantly increase the income earned on the iron industry: first, he seized lordships that were rich in mineral resources and forestry; later he developed a complex tax policy, which even led him to create a monopoly on the iron production in the Kingdom since 1376.


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How to Cite

Mugueta Moreno, I. (2008). The iron market. Taxation and industrial production in Navarre (1362-1404). Anuario De Estudios Medievales, 38(2), 533–584.




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