The dramatics of the misa de amores: parody and desacralized ritual in the gestation of Spanish religious theater of the early Renaissance


  • Peter Cocozzella Binghamton University



allegory, dead-man-talking, desacralized or denatured ritual, Godthe- Truth, L. Hutcheon, misa de amores, life-text, F. Moner, onomastic symbolism, parody, religious theater, woman-priest


The paramount role of the mass in the birth of Spanish theater of the late Middle Ages or early Renaissance has been duly recognized by authoritative critics and historians. These scholars, however, have paid little or no attention to the centrality of the Eucharist in the gestation phase of that theater. The present essay is focused on the process of adapting the rite of transubstantiation to a dramatic plot on the way to an eventual transmutation into a full-fledged theatrical representation. At issue here are the only four extant specimens of the so-called misa de amores of the fifteenth century. These daring parodies of the Mass include Francesc Moner’s most ingenious rendition of the genre. On the basis of Linda Hutcheon’s innovative theory, one may envisage a parodic mode that conditions the distinctive traits of a “desacralized” ritual, the very matrix of the transmutation in question.


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How to Cite

Cocozzella, P. (2016). The dramatics of the misa de amores: parody and desacralized ritual in the gestation of Spanish religious theater of the early Renaissance. Anuario De Estudios Medievales, 46(2), 689–723.



Miscelaneous Studies